
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


Back In Houston
Sioux Falls Update
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over

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Response to Brittany's Entry
2004-04-05 - 9:05 a.m.

Ryan is amazing. He was able to tell me something that would have taken me weeks to figure out when I have been saying the entire time without realizing it. Interesting eh? Well I was telling him for some reason I get mad a lot more than when I used to live in Houston. He told me it was because when I lived in Houston it was as though I had nothing to lose and therefore and nothing to get angry about. Now I live in Corpus and I have something I don't want to lose (my friendship with Ryan) and now I have every reason to be mad. He told me he gets mad a lot because he has a lot to lose especially when it comes to his girlfriend Samathana. Very interesting indeed.

In response to what Brittany wrote in her Journal. I allow Ryan to read it sometimes because I have no one else to share it with, but even so if I lived near Brittany I would not allow her to read it solely for the fact that there is just to much information in there she doesn't know about. Things that I keep from her for her protection. Nikki told me to be straightforward with some of this stuff (especially on this one issue) but no. So please don't bring it up. Also, I allow Ryan to read my personal paper journal because I know he will tell no one else. He will never criticize what I write in there. I mean you know what he wrote in there after reading it.

I also, on the way to his house, picked up a notebook so he can write in it. I figured he needed one because he was using a spiral notebook.

I do read some of what I write in my journal to Brittany. It isn't like a total secret.

Brittany, don't be jealous I want Ryan to know me just as well as you do. We are close friends. I need a close friend when I am 200 miles away from all my other friends. Please understand this.

In other news, last night I invited Tony to go to Slick Willies last night with me. Well, he told me he had to do his chores and call him back in an hour. So, I went over to Nikki's house and I got to play the in-between person while her and her mother had an argument. I missed my phone call with Tony. I tried calling him from Nikki's house but he didn't answer so I told Nikki to apologize for me if she saw him, do to the fact that I can not be with him in public. I stayed with Nikki most of the evening and I told her why I couldn't be seen in public with Tony. The whole issue with Rudy in JROTC and stuff. She told me it was a soap opera and I told her that issue was just between Rudy and me what about the rest of the unit?

So, there you have an update on things going on in my life.


PS "You know the world is going crazy when the best golfer is a black guy, the best raper is a white guy, France is accusing the US of arrogance, and Germany doesn't want to go to war."


BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek