
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


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To Brittany, Part One
2004-12-03 - 2:10 a.m.

To Brittany Part One:

No one can deny that our friendship has grown well beyond anything. No can say that you don't know pretty well. How long have we known each other for? Going on 5 years now I believe if my memory serves (which it often does not). In a journal entry you wrote you asked me to answer three questions. Questions which I have put off for some time. Questions which I have been dodging mainly because of the fact that I was not sure and also because I did not want to lose a friendship. It has come down to a cross roads now in which you have asked me to determine which way it will go.

I will start from the begining (or what i remember of it). We met our freshman year of highschool in spanish class none the less. I still don't know spainish and you are determined not to let me live it down. We became friends and started talking. Your mom was paroniad and wanted to do a FBI background check on me. I started to tell you about my life up to that point and you were always concered. Then our sophmore year came about and you were still wondering how I made it out of nineth grade. Truth is I am still trying to figure that one out. I met Talena and my life really started to become a real tangle. A ball of yarn a cat wouldn't even go near. Our first date took place this year (you know the one I forgot about). You actually got to meet my dad which you weren't all to happy about doing. Yet you were still there to listen to all my stories the good ones and the bad. You were there to help me through all my realationship. The good ones and the bad. Well all the bad ones according to you. Then amazingly enough I made it through my sophomore year. Which I am still trying to figure out to this day how that was possible. I honestly think some higher power was at work through all this. Then there was my junior year. The year I came back to Elsik High School. There you tried to get me to quit smoking and nearly succeeded. Yes, I say nearly because you never truly acomplished it. I quit for a while put picked it back up a few months later which I just have happened to keep forgetting to tell you about. You were happy for a time that I was back to be within your ever watchful sight. I moved around a lot that year and you always remained in the exact same place you always were, right there by the phone waiting for me to call cause you knew I would. My junior year came and left and finally my senior year came upon me. Wow, a senior who would have guessed? After all the classes I had failed and all the close calls and all the home situations, I made it to my senior year on time. You were proud of me for fighting so hard to make it and succeeded. Without you being there I probably would have never have made it. Making you proud was of the things that kept me in line mose of the time. We still kept in touch even though I was miles and miles away; we always seemed to be just a phone call away. My senior year was fun and you were there in spirit with me most of the way. Then my senior year came to and end and this is where we now stand.

Never before have a known a good freind to keep me in line through the years of my high school. You were the counter balance to my wild life. You never approved of the smoking or the drinking or the people I dated. Yet you were always there as a friend. You never approved of my method of "worrying about it the morning it is due." You were always baffled at how I got away with things I shouldn't have and even more baffled at how I could survie an ordeal called, "My life." You were always amazed at the writings I wrote and amazed at my power of forgiveness. Then theres my side.

I was always amazed at how well you knew me inside at out. I was always amazed at your power of forgiveness. I was always amazed at how well you stayed by me as a friend even though you wanted something more. You kept your hopes up and you made progress. You kept your eye on the prize and was always patient. What amazes me most of all is how you seemed to know, "it was coming." When I didn't. I swear you most be physic or something. I was your leg through the journey of your high school life. I was the stability there that you count on most when things get rough. You rely on my heavyly for things that you yourself cannot due at this point. I am happy to do that. Look at all we have been through and look back and ask yourself, "was it worth it." Well, it was worth it to me and even now I sit here thinking about what lies ahead.

::End of Part One::


BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek