
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


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Moved to North Park
2005-11-21 - 9:21 a.m.

Okay so once again I find myself bored at work but in a really good mood. I don�t know why just something about it being Monday and that I am looking forward to this week. It some all has just all come together to put me into a good mood. So yea it is Monday, which means the weekend has gone by. I think I shall talk about it.

Well as you know from the previous entry my Friday night went extremely well. I was just amazed.

Saturday night went well also but with a few problems. I met up with a new friend his name is Junior. He is a nice kid but not really my type. I started talking to him when he we were having a party at his house. He asked me what he honestly thought of me and I told him that I thought he was a slut. He agreed with me. He started asking me other questions. I simply told it to him likes, there is no reason for me to put on a front for a fake person. He came off like a typical homo. He tried to defend himself and I do give him credit. There is something more to him than meets the eye but the fact of the matter he still believes that he must be someone everyone can approve of. That right there eliminates him in my book. I feel one shouldn�t have to put up a front because you are too afraid to get hurt. I tend to where my heart on my sleeve a lot but I am comfortable with it there. People will break my heart, I will be sad, I will get over it, and life goes on. I do not put up a fake front because I do not want people around me that have a fake front always, what is the point? What do I have to gain from it? I put Junior down as gently as I could but still I know I broke his heart. He kept calling me a sweet heart and I accepted his compliments but at a distance. I didn�t want him getting the wrong impression. The other reason why I turned Junior down is because I do have feelings for someone else. The me that is inside has only know room to have feelings for one guy at time. I tried taking on multiple ones once before and had a near break down. I don�t think I can put my best friend, much less myself, through that again.

So the night went on and we took pictures. We danced some of the girls sang. It was a fun night.

Sunday I went home packed my things and moved to North Park. I think my landlord likes me just a little. So yeah everything in the world is good expect I still haven�t got paid yet. Oh well Wednesday I get paid for my new job here.

Well that pretty much sums up my weekends besides my phone calls with Theo. I hope everything works out between us even if we do end up as just friends that would be awesome. I would settle for that.



BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek