
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


Back In Houston
Sioux Falls Update
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over

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Brittany - 2006-03-02 19:46:24
That doesn't sound like you're being paranoid to me. The whole thing sounds really odd. *hugs* I'll call you in a little bit. There are a couple of things I have to do first. *love*

2006-03-02 - 10:14 a.m.

I am highly upset with Nathan at the moment. Last night he was off and he took me over to his friend Isaac�s house. When I walked in I immediately was like, �Wow I feel really insecure right now.� There was music playing softly � Old school love songs none the less --, the bed was extravagant, and Isaac was obviously gay. As we hung out I noticed that Isaac kept checking out Nathan. Yet using my insight I could tell that Isaac had �renewed� feelings for Nathan. Almost as if he had felt something in the past and was feeling them again. I found this strangely odd. So I did what I did best brought Isaac�s attention to me and away from Nathan. When I turned back around and got a really good look at Isaac, that is when it hit me, Nathan about a month ago told me about Isaac when he found his ID. They met when Nathan was walking down the street. They started hanging out and messing around eventually till Isaac moved away.

I don�t care that Nathan is hanging out with Isaac, but the fact that I had to find out about it like that is what did make me upset. I asked Nathan about Isaac and Nathan said this, �I tried telling you about Isaac the other day when you were asleep. We had met at the smith down the street from the house.� When I tried to inquire further this is the response I got, �Tim I am trying to sleep.� *sigh*

I honestly think I am being paraniod and I am just going to drop the issue.



BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek