
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


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dear moore
2005-01-17 - 9:05 p.m.

Dear Moore,

Well, first off I would like to apologize for my actions today. Somethings just get to me a little more than others. Over the past couple of days the things that have been going on just seem to be getting me down. I know you don't understand my actions as well as other people so I decided to take this time out to let you know what has been going on.

Yesterday when we watched the movie white noise it brought back some old memeroies. When the mother died it reminded me of the time my mother passed away and how my dad has become distant from me. It also reminded me of the war I also fight everyday within myself as well as those not of this world. I know you don't understand this and most people don't. I do not think even my closes friends understand this part. There is this old freind of mind who has become my enemy and has waged a war similar to that in the movie. He uses I guess what you might call spirits who wish to cause harm, while I use my own personal power to wage my own battles. However their is a flaw. Most of my personal power is devoted to protecting myself against such things as well it is mainly used to keep my emotions stable. To keep my sainity. I am always on a constant emotional roller coaster ride which brings me down every so often. Maybe you understand this, maybe you don't but I can not explain it any clearer without getting into more details. I am a ver different person and things effect me differently than they would someone else who is more normal.

Then there was today at the resturant. Things that happened were kinda beyond my control because of the lack of personal power to keep my emotions stable. You started bashing IHOP and it brought back the memories of all the good times and memories I have there. My best freind talena and I would go to IHOP just for the fun of it and I have a lot of good memories theres. To make fun of IHOP is almost a personal insult to the both of us. I take my memories that I can remember very serious. IHOP played an important role into who I am today. Without that one resturant who knows where I could be today. Then there was also the movie today. Coach Carter reminded me of home way to much and how life is for most people back where I can come from. Most people who live in these types of places know of no other life than the ones they live. Teachers and people around them constantly bring them down and sometimes there is no hope for them. Sports are the only way out to them because they are told their entire lives that they can amount to something but no one cares to see them succeed. I am also another testament to that. I brought myself out of the path that my life was taking me and made it change. It was quiet difficult but I am a firm believer that somewher God had a role in changing that path.

I can not explain in all details what has happened to me in my past, and I wish to say I am sorry for my actions. I feel as though I have failed in trying to explain to you that sometimes I do get down and I do get depressed and with no close freinds around to talk to I feel trapped. Alone in a world I feel I do not belong to. Just know that if I get depressed just give me some space and try to talk to me. Even though I may not talk to you, just assure me that you are here to talk to me. That would mean a great deal to a person that feels as though they have no one to talk to. Just knowing that I could come to talk to you about anything would make my day all the worth while.

::Mood change::
*sigh* I do not even know why I am writing this. I will probably never show moore this, but at least I have gotten this off my chest for now.



BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek