
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


Back In Houston
Sioux Falls Update
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over

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Brittany - 2005-11-03 00:39:00
but I still managed to read your journal entry! *hugs* So, you think we should put a big old "FORMER" across the pictures? or what? Or maybe i should make a new layout for you...yeah right, like I have time for that...

Long Entry
2005-11-02 - 9:26 a.m.

Well i am bored here at work so i thought i would go ahead an update my online journal. I started my new job and let me tell you it is harder to get in here than it does a naval base. The first day i was sent running around with security because I had no ID badge. Then they finally figured out i was on an access list so I was given a vistor badge then sent over to where i was suppose to be. After that one of my sups told me I had to go back to security tell them I some letter and get an ID made. So fianlly got all that done. Most of the first day was spent doing paperwork and sitting around because it was monday and everyone was busy. So we got to sit around waiting for people to come and just talk to us. So yea that was the first day.

Other than that not much else going on. I do miss andrew. The person I am staying with is nice. He is mainly sad because he wants someone to love. I told him he first must love himself. Also I do not think he is ready for a relationship. He is 18 working full time and trying to go to school to be an architect but doesn't have the dedication to his studies to be an architect. He spends most of his time online looking for someone but i know he is looking in all the wrong places. I know my websites and i know which websites will get you. He and I have become really good friends over the past couple of days. I think it is time I showed him who I really am deep down. Not so far deep that the other self comes out... *shivers at the the thought*

Brittany is going to be really busy the next couple of weeks with some exams coming up for her classes. I can not wait till all this is said and done then I can finally sit back and have my brittany back.

Kurtis is starting major rumors and is openly moving to try to break andrew and me up. I have alerted andrew of this and he said he has not heard the rumors but really wouldn't care anyways. I think he is trying to hard to hide behind a macho emotional wall. I can feel the emotionsh he has deep down. He is sad and thinks the rumors true but doesn't know what to do. On the flip side he is a leo and really couldn't care less. I think everyone is looking for someone to love and I at least have that much. It is not someone I care for on a sexual level but I do love them they are as followed.

Derek for his devotion to friends
Talena for her devotion to friends and just because she is awesome
Brittany, where do I begin. For her devotion to our friendship, to all the good times we have shared, to all her favors she has done for me. How many times have I been lost and brittany has set me back on course (yes that is a double meaning sentence).

I am not really sure where I am going with this entry but I am going somewhere, and lets face it, this is a really long entry.

My cuz'n Raquel is doing good. She text me the other day I was suprised because I haven't heard from her in so long. He is not talking to Bud because he is an ass right now. I could've told her that one...

*sigh* I miss the good old days of having fun but that time is now fast coming to a close. It is time to put my life in order and take off. Maye I still will have fun, for sure always make friends, and every now and then find an adventure.

This most be a turning point entry. I have a couple of them...


PS: Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, i'm free at last.


BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek