
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


Back In Houston
Sioux Falls Update
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over

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45 questions
2005-11-03 - 1:55 p.m.

1. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
I woulder rather not..

2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?
Hmm feed the poor...

3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
Spice Girls...*blushes*

4. What is the best thing about your current job?
Lots of cuties.

5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required in class?
Can you add movies to that question?

6. Are you against same sex marriage?
No but please think of the children...

7. Have you been on a date in the past week?
no the person i am seeing is outta town =~(

8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
Home to Houston or else my that maybe my last vaction because Brittany would come out here to see me then kill me for not going to see her on my vacation.

9. A quote, because I told you to!
"The more things change, the more they remain the same. For nothing endure, not love, not a tree, not even death by voilence."

10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Well seeing how i just moved here to San diego most of them are new..

11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
Own? With what money?

12. Do you like your parents?
To some degree. Still hang up on my dad when he calls me drunk...

13. Do you still live with them?
Hope never to hear that one again and if i considered it Brittany would kill me, or offer to hide me under her bed...

14. Tell us about the last conversation you had.
"Classified call or unclassified call?

15. Where do you see yourself in one month?
Ruler of my world.

16. What is your favorite smell?
Monk it is a colone

17. Do you consider yourself bi-polar?
Now that question just makes me sad and I was just all happy...damn I hate you!lol

18. What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment?
2:00 around 75 degrees

19. Have you ever done anything vindictive to your coworkers?
What is vin-dic-tive..must be one of those big words like watermelon...

20. Have you ever gone to therapy?
Does going through lots of drama during child consitute as needing therapy? if so someone send me to a physc ward quick!

21. Have you ever Played Spin the Bottle?
Yeah and I got to kiss...*promised not to tell*

22. Have you ever Toilet papered someone's house?
No now that is just down right wrong. Although I do have that on my to do list...does that count?

23. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
ha no.

24. Have you ever gone camping?
Slept through the thunder storm two.

25. Have you ever had a crush on your sisters/brothers friend?
ewwww no...

26. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
once. Never want to go back creepy old men...

27. Have you ever had sex on the beach?
Never want to.

28. Have you ever had a stalker?
Kinda. He just kept calling me a lot.

29. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

30. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
been along time since i have done that.

31. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one?
Yeah I like to be the DD.

32. Have you ever been cheated on?
All the time but I got over it.

33. Have you ever had sex with one of your myspace
Dating one right now. So safe to assume that would be a for sure.

34. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?

35. Have you ever felt like you were just completely rhino raped?
No wish i was thought.

36. Have you ever lied to your parents?
if i didn't i wouldn't be who i am today.

37. Have you ever been out of the US?
Thanks john for fun time in canada and my first and best stiff dick.

38. Have you ever thrown up from working out?
Need to start working out. I am to skinny. Says Brittany.

39. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight?
No not really.

40. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in 1 day?
Yes, eating on the go.

41. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didnt know what was going on?
Can't drink that much.

42. Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on?
i take the fifth on that one.

43. Have you ever met someone you only knew through myspace?
I am not that much of a slut come on now.

44. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers?
Dating him right now. So again given.

45. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
Yes...lol yeah her husband gets pissed every time *PS I mean Talena*


BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek