
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


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Stress, Bullshit, and anger...Quite a Hetic Week
2005-02-18 - 11:32 p.m.

Well this has certianly been a hetic week. I have had really no time to talk to Brittany or anyone else for that matter. I gave in and am letting Gallodora read my jounral. I hope for the best but expect the worse. In other news Macabee got in a bunch of trouble for leaving the school house to go back to the Q to sleep. Yeah big dummy. Golden blew up today in class over something stupid. It just seems that everyone but me is under a lot of stress. I honestly don't mind everything that is going on. It is not all that bad. Sure we don't get enough sleep but then again we will get even less sleep in the fleet so we might as well get used to it. Wesenday I had a travel brief and I am getting prepared to go back to Texas, Corpus and Houston. I am exicted to return to Corpus Christi but not so sure about Houston but that is a different note.
I do not know what I am writing here. I am just babbling I guess. My thoughts are in 5 different extremes. Just everyone around here is under so much stress. Everyone else is just like whatever. Then there is me like, "What the heck, this is nothing." Gloden is tired of all the "bullshit" going around. I just want to say to him, "welcome to life." Life is driven my drama and drama is driven by bullshit. They go hand in hand no matter what. The best thing you can do is try to aviod it as much as you can and control your temper. I was really disappointed in my class today because after Golden left they started making fun of him. One time I was telling BM2 pruitt that the detailer (person who gives us orders) was asking if Golden had any friends who wanted to go with him to Norfolk. Puritt responded by saying, "Should of told the detailer Golden had no friends." I just wanted to stop talking to him right there. BM2 is a nice guy but crossing the line is crossing the line. Then again I think differently than most people. I will always be freinds with someone even if they do things that I do not approve of or hurt me. Such is my power of forgiveness. As for Golden, he needs to learn to control his temper. He needs to learn that all this is going to be around for all eterinty. The most he can do is just joke around with them and stop saying he knows everything about the Navy, that is what pisses most of the Fleet Returnees off the most. When he tries to correct them they get mad because he is a booter and they have been to the fleet. Golden's main issue is that he cannot stand stupidity. Such a shame because if he keeps that mind set he will walk this world always pissed off. He hates Gilmore because he can't stand her ignorance. In all honestly, Gilmore has grown up a lot, she can still act like she is in high school but look at me and my, "got something on your shirt." I am concerned for him because he thinks he is better than everyone else and everyone else thinks differently. He argues the stupidest points which is what makes everyone make fun of him; also they make fun of him because of the funny things he does when he gets mad. They have learned how to push his bottons and are taking full advatage of it. I have really no bottons that can be pushed because I am really not attached to noone expect myself. I can take jokes thrown at me and not get offened. I can take a lot and not lose my temper or get angery, because I reconginze the emotions put behind such acts. Yet not everyone is like me so I just sit back and watch and enjoy the show. Damn I wish I had popcorn all the time. It makes a really intresting movie.
Well anyways I am done babbling off. There is more that has happened but I do not feel like typing it here in my jounral. This week, hetic says it all. Stress, bullshit, and anger have all been seen. I will try to teach Golden in the coming days that sometimes you just have to let go and move on. He will not be around most of these people much longer. Anyways I am going to go now I have other things I must attend to.

BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek