
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


Back In Houston
Sioux Falls Update
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over

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Brittany - 2005-03-09 00:09:59
You know, I've been thinking about this entry. I don't think the person you're ment to be with will "complete" you. You have to be a complete person already before you can make a relationship work. I think the right person "compliments" you and simply helps you to become more of who you are. Two people become one not by "completing" eachother, but by coming together to create something new.

Who Am I Looking For...
2005-02-23 - 11:35 p.m.

I sit here thinking about the few friends I have but no one really to talk to. That is all I really want right now. Just someone here I can just sit down and talk to. Just to bullshit with. I think back to the time in Corpus Christi when I had first moved there. How I had no friends and I was lonely. There is really no one here at Great Lakes I can sit down and just talk to. Talk to about nothing and everything. I feel this place is just another step that I have to overcome yet again. When I leave this place will the memories fade and eventually forgotten? I need strong words of advice not just from my closes friends back home but from people here. The one thing I have learned here is that my strength is given to others but I need strength from others not so much but just a little. I need to know that someone out there cares just a little. Not just someone, someone from here at great lakes.

I made a comment to reed that there was a time in Corpus when I nearly lost grip with reality and became a mindless drone. I came to accept that I am truly walking alone in this world. I have yet to find a person that completes who I am. Who can just understand my actions without asking, without ever getting mad, to just accept that I do things without truly knowing why I do them but that I do them because I feel it is something I need to do. Someone that understands that sometimes I just need to be by myself, someone who knows that I do not act like a normal person. I guess what I am trying to get at is that there is really no one that accepts the things I do without knowing why, someone who just lets me be and do my own thing, someone who accepts me for me without needing any reasons.

One day someone will come along and say one word and change the course of my life. I am not a master of my destiny; I am not a master of the path I wish to take. Routines throughout life suck. To be without a routine is the life I wish to lead but knowing the goals I have in mind and eventually getting to them without ever meaning to. To sit and think without someone asking �is something wrong?� I am contradicting myself. I want to be alone and yet not alone at the same time. To know that there is a person I can walk up to and say hey this is what�s wrong and then that being the end of it. It all ties together who I am. I do not know how it just does. I just feel right now I wish I had someone I can just walk up to and they know I want to talk. Maybe about nothing, or maybe about something; I think that is what I am getting at here. I do not know. I just want to find someone who can understand me without me showing them. Someone with that kind of power is hard to find because I have yet to find that person.

Brittany, I know you might say you do all this but you do not. You get mad when I do not offer reasons. You get mad at most of the choices I make. I honor your advice but sometimes they are selfish and you just do not understand that I will never tell you everything because I do not know everything on why I do things. I do not know I should stop here before I really get myself in trouble. For now I will try to think about uplifting things. Who knows what I am terribly depressed and sad that the person I am looking for is no where to be found.



BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek