
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


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Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over

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Dear Matt
2005-09-03 - 1:01 p.m.

Dear Matt,

First and foremost this is not a goodbye letter. I wanted to take this time out to completely shut down all emotions I have for you. By writing I am doing so.

I do admit you have changed a lot since the last time I saw you. However, there are a few things I wanted to say before completely shutting down.

I talked to Jessica�s mom tonight and she provided a lot of insight to me. I talked about some of the things bothering me; just the things that mattered. For example, I told her about you and sal and how it relates to us. When we first met we both agreed that we didn�t want to get hurt. Yet other factors came into play that weekend. You chose to believe Josh over me. That hurt more deeply than anything you could imagine. What hurt deeper still is that you called me a slut.

Matt, what I am trying to say is that I care for you more deeply than anything before. By coming here I have proved this to myself. I have paid a high price to here. You should not concern yourself with the sacrifices I have made this weekend. Just know this�

I do not want to return to Houston, or to Corpus Christi. I want to remain here in California. If I can be a part of your life as a friend, that would make me happier than anything offered to me back home.

I got over being afraid to get hurt. I learned a long time ago that is comes with life. That if you enter into anything afraid to get hurt you can never fully commit to a relationship. I forgave you for everything said and done. Second chances are also a part of life. I do not make the best choices, but I make do with the information I have. It is all I can do. It is all anyone can do.

Matt, I ask you this as a friend. Give Sal a second chance. Let me be part of your life as a friend here in California. I just want you to be happy, and no matter where I go know I will always get the front porch light on for you. You are not alone in this world.

I have fought myself this entire weekend. Yet I came to realize, what for? I already love you. I just want you to be happy. I am your friend first and foremost, and as a friend will always be here for whatever you need. I will always be here waiting for you to come visit me, and likewise I hope that I can always come and visit you. The feelings will never disappear, but they will not go anywhere. My life will go on; love always�

Your friend,



BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek