
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


Back In Houston
Sioux Falls Update
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over
Starting LIfe over

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2005-09-29 - 5:26 p.m.

Andrew. Is he truly my saviour? As I sit here in my barracks room, I have began thinking about much. Andrew without ever realizing what he is doing has done something to me that I am forever grateful for.
However, I cannot find the words or the strength to tell him verbally. He knows nothing of the wars I fight with in myself constantly. He knows not the thoughts that play on my mind through out the days.
Yes true, I have only known Andrew for a short time, a very short time. Yet I find myself becoming to realize something, something deep within myself. I am truly myself around him. That evern though we are dating, He
has become more of a friend than anything else. When I am sitting here in my barracks room, or I am at work, I feel so out of place.I feel myself longing to be in his company, to be able to be myself again. To be who
I want to be and not have to hide anything. With this comes this.

I have determined that Andrew is more of a freind to me than anyone else I have met here while in san diego. Who else can I be myself around like I can around him? I feel as though I can truly talk to him about much
and that eventually given some time that I may be able to talk to him about anything. Already the stones have been placed for all this to be done. I tell everyone that I meet online or any where else that I am dating someone. Most disappear into the internet again never to be heard from again, while others stick around trying to convince me that they are better. Yet, I hold firm not letting any of this even be taken into consideration. Andrew has become a freind as well as something more to me. I truly cherish what I feel is growing between us, and I will take no risks at all.

The wars will keep coming within myself. The thoughts will keep playing but at least finally I feel free now that I have someone here in San Diego to openly talk to. The stress has been reduced and I have hope. I am free from myself. Andrew has brought me back from my near emotional break down. The wounds from that time are now healing. Yet Andrew knows nothing of this. Knows nothing of the pain I suffered not to long ago. But that is okay because I know my personal power is coming out of its dormant state. While, I sit here in the barracks, I do sorely miss Andrew's company. I feel so chained up when he is not around me. He sets me free something only few in my life have been able to do. He knows not of what he does but at least here under the protection of my journal, I can say thank you. Thank you for setting me free. Thank you for being a freind that I fell I can talk to openly about almost anything. Thank you most of all for being my friend first.



BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek