
About me:
Well, for one my name is Tim.I am from Houston, Texas. My best friends are Brittany and Talena. Click on their picture on the right to be wisked away to there pages. Well leave a comment and let me know what you think! Remember to alway have fun, make friends, and find and advnture!!


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My Weekend With Josh Talbert
2005-04-17 - 1:41 p.m.

You Are A Cypress Tree

You are strong, adaptable, and striving to be content.

You're good at taking what life has to give - even if you don't like it.

A passionate lover who can't be satisfied, you are quick tempered at times.

You hate loneliness, want love and affection, and need to be needed.

A bit of a live wire, you love to gain knowledge any cost... and you can be careless at times.

What is Your Celtic Horoscope?

Just thought I would add that one last one just for kicks. So here is how my weekend went.

Friday night Josh Talbert called me. A friend I haven't spoken to in two - three years. We caught up on good times and old times and bad times. He told me he spent a year in mexico doing peyote. He didn't have to tell me that I seemed to already know that he tried peyote. I dunno it just seems like i have known him longer than a lifetime. My biggest thing right now is that I am praying that I have not fallen short of what he was expecting. He keeps looking for my opinion but i do not have one. I am a listener, it was who I was born to be. I do not know why but I do not judge. Even though I may voice my concern about something being a bad idea. I still wish just to see him safe and know that if I need someone to talk to I can call him now. He has been a serious impact on my life since leaving Coveant House Texas. Which he calls a homeless shelter and I call a half way house. Talbert had been through a lot and is dreading something big happening this summer. I think I have an idea of what it is. It is something that is going to be life changing. I dunno it just seems to be that me and josh have just picked up were we left off when we parted ways. I have found that I have missed talking to him and value his insight. He doesn't have confidence that he can help my freind taylor with his problem but I have great confidence in him. He has proven to be a person that it was meant to be for our paths to cross. I knew when I left the half way house that we would meet again. In a way I kinda consider him a best freind seeing how he is the only freind that has had such a huge impact on who I am. It is sad that he has lost sight of what America stands for and it is sad that he no longer believes in his dream. I believe this is why he has no confidence in his ablities once he learns that confidence comes from being self aware then his ally from dreaming will come back. This is my belief. His ally has left him because he has lost sight of who he is. When he was in mexico he knew who he was and had insight into who he wanted to be. Now that he is back in America he has lost sight of all that. To be self aware is the thing I stive for most and what I see in a person. I do not see who a person wants to be but I see the person they are meant to be. I will dicuss all this will Josh if he cares to listen to what I have to say. I think he will because ever since he first called me that is what he has been looking for. He values my thoughts as highly as I value his. I will write more on Talbert later.



BrittanyTalenaRyan, got milk?Derek